Vodafone Business Apps

Vodafone Meet Anywhere 2.1.8
Vodafone Business
Easily and effortlessly manage your day from one application. Makeyour work what you do and not where you are - get the best use ofyour time and free your meetings from the office with clear, simplefeatures enabling you to manage your virtual meetings while on themove. See who joins, dial out invites, record or take notes whilemanaging your delegates on the call – all from your mobile. No longnumber sequences to remember or type in, just click to join andclick to invite. Key features: • One click Meeting • Schedulingmeeting from the app • Full conference control • Full participantvisibility • Conference and account security Support for audioconferencing, WebEx and S4B Support for video conferencing - NEWPlease note that this application will only work for users who holda valid Vodafone Conferencing account from Vodafone GlobalEnterprise To know more about Vodafone Conferencing service pleasevisit:http://enterprise.vodafone.com/products_solutions/voice_roaming/conferencing_collaboration.jsp
Vodafone Office Spaces 2.0.1
Vodafone Business
The Vodafone Business Office Spaces user app allows employeestomanage and book spaces easily. Benefit highlights: - Plug andPlayhardware - Facilities managers can manage and monitor desksormeeting rooms remotely - Employees can book desks or meetingroomsremotely - Employees can use NFC to tap on the office dotorsticker to instantly book the space. Vodafone BusinessOfficeSpaces bundles hardware, application and connectivity intoacomplete E2E solution. Useful for facility managers andemployersinterested in balancing office space demands with themegatrend ofthe new evolved office.  This app is for use with theVodafoneBusiness Office Spaces Solution and only works incombination withthe other components. For the configuration of thedevices, pleaserefer to the Vodafone Business Office Spaces Setupapplication.
Vodafone Office Spaces Setup 2.0.0
Vodafone Business
The setup app for the Vodafone Business Office Spaces solutionisfor use by administrators. The setup app allows administratorsto:- Configure devices individually or in bulk - Pair sensors withtheOffice Dot - Diagnose issues - Block desks or rooms, so thatuserscannot book them - Reconfigure devices This app is for usebyadministrators only, with the Vodafone Business OfficeSpacesSolution and only works in combination with the othercomponents.For the user app, please refer to the separate VodafoneBusinessOffice Spaces application.
Vodafone Usage Manager 1.2.6
Vodafone Business
Vodafone Usage Manager (VUM) measures mobile data usage at homeandabroad and can alert the user at configurable thresholds. Itisdesigned for business customers on Vodafone GlobalEnterprisetariffs only.
Vodafone Business Surveillance 8.1.1
Vodafone Business
Vodafone Business Surveillance Client is the end userapplicationfrom Vodafone Business Surveillance solutions. WithVodafoneBusiness Surveillance you can have a centralized securityandanalytics solution for your buildings, offices, warehouses-anytime, anywhere. The app allows connection to theVodafoneBusiness Surveillance Server for monitoring of video andalarms.The Vodafone Business Client can: - View multiple videostreams onthe same screen - Display incoming alerts from remotedevices -Show location of devices on a map - Allow multi-tasking ofmultipleactivities - Store most used activities for quick retrievalWhenconnected to an encoder, the user can: - View the video andaudio -Control the remote cameras PTZ - Use the Virtual PTZcapability -Switch the input remotely - Access the remote archive -Utilise thefull-resolution retrieval feature. This app is for usewith theVodafone Business Surveillance Solution and only worksincombination with the other components. For full detailspleaserefer to the Vodafone Business Surveillance Client userguide.
Vodafone Business Temperature Tag 1.0
Vodafone Business
Vodafone Business Temperature Tag is a smart temperatureandhumidity monitoring solution which allows you to keep a trackofyour assets, stock, or workplace. Key features: - NB-IoTenableddevice with integrated SIM - Long battery life and IP67rated -Mobile and web application - Alerts and alarms fortemperature andhumidity - Manage multiple users - View charts andgraphs toidentify key trends With an integrated Vodafone SIM, thissolutionis free from the constraints of typical WiFi solution, andcanpositioned in more remote areas with the help of ourNB-IoTnetwork. A battery life of more than 12 months under typicalusage,and IP67 rated, Vodafone Business Temperature Tag devicecanwithstand the elements. A companion mobile app makes addingandmonitoring your devices easy, and can be set up in minutes withthehelp of QR scanning of devices. Your data and protectionisimportant to us, which is why the hardware and applicationadheresto strict GDPR and the application has secure 2FA and PINlogin.
Vodafone Business Heat Detection Flex V1.0
Vodafone Business
All physical things either radiate or reflect heat, includinghumanskin. Elevated Skin Surface Temperature is an indicatorofpotential health issues. Where airborne pathogens areprevalent,social distancing protocols make contact or closeproximitysolutions high risk. Thermal cameras operating from a safedistanceare well suited to these scenarios and can be easilydeployed.Vodafone Business Heat Detection Flex is a mobileapplicationdeveloped specifically for use with the Cat® S61 devicewith anintegrated FLIR thermal camera. This app is for use withtheVodafone Business Heat Detection Flex Solution and only worksincombination with the Flex dashboard. For full detailspleasecontact your Vodafone Business contact. Rather than takingabsolutetemperature readings, Heat Detection Flex relies on thecamera’sthermal sensitivity to highlight anomalies andtemperaturedifferences of as little as 0.1°C, combined with thermalpatternrecognition and analysis to identify unusually elevatedskinsurface temperatures.  It’s a solution ideally suitedtofirst-line-of-defence triage screening, with individuals showinganelevated surface skin temperature to take thenecessaryprecautions.  Users of Heat Detection Flexshould alwaysimplement secondary protocols in compliance with localregulation.
Vodafone Business Tag & Track 3.1.0
Vodafone Business
Tracker app for Vodafone Business customers
Vodafone UC with RingCentral
Vodafone Business
Vodafone with RingCentral is a flexible UnifiedCommunicationsapplication
Connected Living by Vodafone 2.0.0
Vodafone Business
Connecting those who need care with their care providers
EV Services Drive 1.10.3
Vodafone Business
Vodafone's "Drive" EV Services is the easy way to chargeyourvehicle.